American Storm Water

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American Storm Water
American Storm Water catch basin, catch basin manufacturer
custom fit catch basin, catch-all
American Storm Water's uniquely designed Catch-All catch basin screen is engineered to effectively capture debris as small as a cigarette butt, preventing waste from entering the storm drain system and washing out into our waterways and oceans. The Catch-All can be adjusted to either be lengthened or shortened, giving it a customized fit for each individual catch basin.
catch basin screen, catch basin inserts, catch basin manufacturer

Built for Optimum Ease-of-Use & Reliability

The Catch-All's sturdy design is made with 1/8" 2x2 stainless steel angle iron, which is held in place with multiple cement wedge anchoring bolts, 3/8" Hilti 316 stainless, self adhesive concrete anchor and 14" stainless steel 2x2 clips that hold down the screened areas, allowing additional screened pieces to be added to width, height or length.

Mounted above the inlet/outlet pipe, the Catch-All catch basin unit is built on a 1:12 slope towards the outlet pipe, while the diverter unit guides the water and debris flow into the storm drain catch basin. The hatch unit is easily removed by cleaning crews to remove debris, while the anchoring frame is pinned into place to make it possible for a suction hose to be placed into either pipe opening.

Long Term Warranty for Every Unit We Customize & Install

We are so confident in our cutting edge catch basin screen technology, and the Catch-All's ability to help stop harmful trash and debris, as small as 5mm from polluting our waterways, that we offer our valued customers a long term material warranty, along with a 1 year installation warranty for every unit we customize and install.

For more information about the Catch-All catch basin screen or to request an American Storm Water product brochure please contact us.